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UVU bass club May 5th Qualifier
I don't have a boat, but I have two pontoon boats, a truck, a trailer, a bunch of fly rods, a crap ton of flies that I spent hours and hours tying -- not to mention the outrageous cost of materials -- ten or so spinning outfits, and three giant tackle boxes full of gear.

Wear and tear, gas, tears, sobbing, crying...

If anyone ever wants to go slaughter some fish, give me a holler. My gear is your gear, as long as you're not a tool. No charge.

Messages In This Thread
UVU bass club May 5th Qualifier - by UVUbass - 04-17-2012, 03:29 PM
Re: [bassrods] UVU bass club May 5th Qualifier - by TroutBumDave - 04-21-2012, 02:23 AM

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