04-21-2012, 10:37 PM
Back in 1987 I was fishing with some friends from Idaho in March for the walleye at Willard. The GSL was still high from the floods of a couple years earlier and you still couldn't drive around the South or West side of the bay. We had taken his boat out from the North Marina just before dark and headed for the west side. I was dropped off just North of the SW corner and jumped in my float tube. Good night for a walleye bite and within the first 20 minutes or so I had several eyes on my stringer. Pretty soon one of my friends come walking up the dike and said their battery was dead, and they had beached the boat in the SW corner so I got out and headed down the dike towards them. Long story short and after some cussing, one of my friends and I walked from the SW corner to the North Marina, and I was in my waders, now that's a hell of a walk. We grabbed his truck and headed for the South Marina where I knew of a spot that we could get his 4X4 up on the dike in those days and away we went. Took his battery out of his Ranger and jumped the one in the boat to get us out to hell out of that mess. AH! memories of my younger years[:/]