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Utah lake 4/20/12 11 lb catfish
Holy Shirts Batman! That's a hog right there. Gonna break a fillet knife on THOSE ribs bud!
That's my magic mark for this year, well - at least until I beat it. 10lbs.... got an 8#er last year, so - raise the bar!

mind coughing up what you were fishing with?

PS: every time I read you 'sig line' I crack up! Always makes me picture the Giant Snowpuff Marshmallow from Ghostbusters.

If I laid 'em end to end - I had 106inches of channels, at 18.5 lbs collective Saturday. Wonder what Chuck would think of that!

I LOVE spring cattin! Good tugs mate!

Messages In This Thread
Utah lake 4/20/12 11 lb catfish - by big_griggs - 04-21-2012, 12:00 AM
Re: [big_griggs] Utah lake 4/20/12 11 lb catfish - by CoyoteSpinner - 04-23-2012, 04:39 PM

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