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Test Your Knowledge of Wolves
hey dave, they are so beautiful. both! i guess it,s the symbol they hold so much i love.the wildness the instincts, dominence, and the family interaction, from play to learnin lessons,down thru the ranks haha, from father mother uncles aunts,and down thru, to the little ones, the family bond they bestow. more human and humane than most humans i,ve seen. i understand the bond so well because i had a true blue wolf from canada. he came out of a game preserve not anyone ownin his mother or father or ancestors, mother me al and cliff was his pack and we saved him from starvin and diein. he was the black and silver, and pure blue skin. it was abond that will never break. i,d sit beside him on a full moon and he,d howl, i,d look in his eyes and they had turned red. beautiful, a dark red tone, and he,d look at me and it was if he was lookin right thru me, and that i knew, he was in a different place.The wildness and freedom, spirit which i,ll never forgit. it was so cool. i never tied him. it would of killed him. he was not meant to be leashed. he never wanted to go anywhere without me anyways i was his laddie john little cliff ma al. it,s funny, he and laddie john taught cliff to walk. cliff would hang on the top of their backs, lad on one side duke on the other and they walk him round the house. haha what babysitters. duke wouldn,t leave cliff. watch him all the time. i shoved him in my old valliant in the back seat one time took him fer a ride to mcdonalds, haha and he had to bow his head and was all stuffed in theere. haha liked the hambergers though haha boy tell me everybody weren,t lookin at him. haha but it takes someone who vcan understand them to have one. they do take you as a pack but you also need to know how to handle them and they also you too, haha it,s not really handlin, it,s a askin of them, it,s a respect between you and them, then they understand and do what you ask. very very intelligant! duke never once growled or did anythin out of the way as fer as dominence but there was just a look when he was somewhere else, he wanted space. but that is to be expected. i would never have one of these hybrids they raise now adays, duke was never hiper, as one of these and duke always did what i asked with good nature. more than those ever would. duke was dosile. just like an old shephard. you want to talk about sheddin! hahalong long hair even in the summer which made him cool inside. my point is too, duke was never fixed either.dukes mother had died when a tree fell on her, and the pups were only 5-6 weeks old.when al found em. and al heard the pups yippin. they had implanted them many moons ago from canada.the game preserve runs thru the whole state of new hampshire, that,s how big it is. al was workin fer the electricla co. al brought duke home, the other pup, she caught phenmonia the other guy took and eventually she didnt, make it. i bottle fed him till he was old enough to eat on his own. he looked like a little bear. haha but as fer as loyal lovin understandin and a bond between us that couldn,t be broke of freedom and the wild. it,s an expierience i,ll never forgit. he,d go with laddie john my bordercollie shephard mix with me and the bomfire,[pony] and head fer the hills they loved it. me too. i was lucky as a kid, haha i had it all.haha duke lived to be 16 years old. the vet knew what we had and never said nothin to the state or anyone thank god. they,d of probably taken and put him down. if duke had been the dominate actin to us or anyone he probabvly would of said somethin but he was the only one that took care of duke. we were lucky.but duke, he was almost 7ft long from his nose to his tail, coal black, so black he had that red tink in his coat, a silver v across the frontof his chest silver belly 4 silver legs from the knees down and when he,d run to me as i got off the school bus and throw his BIG PAWS on my shoulders he,d knock me to the ground and start kissin me. haha he was almost 6ft when he had his paws on my shoulders. haha lay his head on the kitchedn table. haha ma had a fit on that one. haha big head! haha well i guess i run my mouth long enough, but it,s somethin that i thought somebody might like to know, that they are just as good as any house dog and if i had the chance to have my duke all over again i,d do it in a heartbeat. i could never shoot one. i guess i was just lucky. i,d like to take the quiz haah but it,s not comin thru on my computer. that,s fine. i had duke haha. later

Messages In This Thread
Test Your Knowledge of Wolves - by davetclown - 10-16-2003, 06:18 AM
Re: [davetclown] Test Your Knowledge of Wolves - by lou - 10-16-2003, 03:13 PM
Re: [davetclown] Test Your Knowledge of Wolves - by fishfather - 10-16-2003, 05:57 PM
Re: [davetclown] Test Your Knowledge of Wolves - by fishfather - 10-16-2003, 08:43 PM

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