04-30-2012, 01:29 AM
I think a correction is needed here. The way it was explained to me was this. 1. Manuverabilty - faster reacting. 2. Falling down into holes the rocker provides lift rather than plunging in.
Picture the tube with a concentric point on the nose Now elevate the rear end of pontoon up on a 45 degree angle . As the pontoon slides nose first into the hole the pontoons nose buries into the wave. The rocker whatever angle it may be helps prevent that from happening.
As per AIRE :
Radically kicked tubes were designed to resurface quickly and climb easily over big waves and nasty hydraulics. The combination of extreme bow and stern rise with great hull speed has created a boat that will perform the most critical maneuvers.
Nothing to do with rocks. Although if I had to hit a rock head on (not with my head ) I guess I would like a rocker front to help cushion the blow.
Picture the tube with a concentric point on the nose Now elevate the rear end of pontoon up on a 45 degree angle . As the pontoon slides nose first into the hole the pontoons nose buries into the wave. The rocker whatever angle it may be helps prevent that from happening.
As per AIRE :
Radically kicked tubes were designed to resurface quickly and climb easily over big waves and nasty hydraulics. The combination of extreme bow and stern rise with great hull speed has created a boat that will perform the most critical maneuvers.
Nothing to do with rocks. Although if I had to hit a rock head on (not with my head ) I guess I would like a rocker front to help cushion the blow.