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Fishing B.C. questions.
[quote catmaster23]What's the rule on bringing fish back with you?[/quote]

[quote FNA]
On the way back I had a cooler of fish. Just have your fishing license handy and don't have more than your limit and you'll be fine.[/quote]

Look at the regulations for the waters you'll be fishing. Check the daily bag and possession limits for each species on the specific waters, and make sure you don't have more than that. Also, make sure that you have the correct stamps if any apply to the species you'll be fishing for.

It's not much different than here in the States. You have a daily limit and a possession limit. You can't have more than either.

(if you're wondering how people bring home boxes of fish from AK and Canada, it's because they cheat the system by having their fish "processed", which removes them from your daily and possession limits. At that point, you can bring home as much as you can carry)

Messages In This Thread
Fishing B.C. questions. - by jekern1015 - 04-24-2012, 02:52 AM
Re: [FNA] Fishing B.C. questions. - by PBH - 04-30-2012, 02:54 PM

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