05-01-2012, 05:02 AM
I almost partially agree with everything you said, I read your original post and not the rest. Technology has integrated every part of life that getting away means no technology-the electric leash. That doesn't really happen for city folk like me, lol.
Slide the bow mount on, grab the HDS for the console-GPS, sidescan, sonar, downscan, etc, grab the front one too (I forgot it once and had to use my memory for water depths and point locations while I was running the bow mount-wow), throw in the molded plastic tackle boxes filled with computer made plastics and hard plastic baits, grab the plastics assorted in various types of plastic bags with ziplocks, sure-seal and other trademarked items, start the 6.6 litre 1 ton, chipped, exhaust, sticky fingered EGR, no kitty, turbo whirls like a whistle and I love it, stop and get some coffee at the gas station and throw some petro in the boat,fuel in the el trucko and pay $4+ for a gallon because I have to [:/], drive to the lake to go fishing, maybe see some deer in the canyon next to the major freeway through the canyon aaaah, the great outdoors, show my serial numbered state park pass to the good lookin' gal at the gate and launch the boat.
Once I'm on the water and I start fishing I forget all about all that other stuff, all about work, focused on that next bite, that next brush pile I think I see under the water over there, reel in quick and pitch to the brush pile and wrestle that big ol' bass to the floating money pit a.k.a. boat.
I think keeping a log book, man diary lol, journal, whatever-is pretty tame compared to what some of us go through to go fishing to "get away from it all".
Slide the bow mount on, grab the HDS for the console-GPS, sidescan, sonar, downscan, etc, grab the front one too (I forgot it once and had to use my memory for water depths and point locations while I was running the bow mount-wow), throw in the molded plastic tackle boxes filled with computer made plastics and hard plastic baits, grab the plastics assorted in various types of plastic bags with ziplocks, sure-seal and other trademarked items, start the 6.6 litre 1 ton, chipped, exhaust, sticky fingered EGR, no kitty, turbo whirls like a whistle and I love it, stop and get some coffee at the gas station and throw some petro in the boat,fuel in the el trucko and pay $4+ for a gallon because I have to [:/], drive to the lake to go fishing, maybe see some deer in the canyon next to the major freeway through the canyon aaaah, the great outdoors, show my serial numbered state park pass to the good lookin' gal at the gate and launch the boat.
Once I'm on the water and I start fishing I forget all about all that other stuff, all about work, focused on that next bite, that next brush pile I think I see under the water over there, reel in quick and pitch to the brush pile and wrestle that big ol' bass to the floating money pit a.k.a. boat.
I think keeping a log book, man diary lol, journal, whatever-is pretty tame compared to what some of us go through to go fishing to "get away from it all".