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Hey from Granite City, IL
Hey all! Not much to tell really. I'm just a 43 year old fat guy TRYING to get into fishing. Unfortunately, I don't have a boat, so I have to fish from the bank. I've got two rod and reel sets: 1. Shakespeare Uglystick 4-10 lbs rod with an Eagleclaw Gun-30 reel with 8 lb line. 2. Zebco 808 rod & reel combo with 20 lb line for catfishing. I'm looking to learn how to bass fish, but not sure how well I can bass fish from the bank. I've got a tackle box full of different lures and have no idea how to use them or on what fish. Lol![bobConfused] Anybody know of any good resources for a complete idiot?[bobhappy] Thanks!

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Hey from Granite City, IL - by wimberlyt - 05-20-2012, 04:27 AM

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