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Jordan and Highland Glen Park
oh wow thanks for the report. Awesome the girl was taking care of herself. I brought a girl from my work that had nothing to do fishing with me once and she was a beast. I saw a crawdad in the water, I was like hey that would be good bait but I aint picking that up. She just dove in the water and grabbed the crawdad. We had a bb gun target competition and she smoked me and taught me how to adjust the sight. Hey but I tried looking at the pictures you added to your report and I was unable to view them it made me download them

Messages In This Thread
Jordan and Highland Glen Park - by starkinkade2 - 05-25-2012, 04:40 AM
Re: [starkinkade2] Jordan and Highland Glen Park - by joethafoe - 05-25-2012, 03:11 PM

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