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Jordan and Highland Glen Park
Ya, your pics aren't working on my computer either... As for that crawdaddy, grab those suckers! Next to white bass meat, I like those dad's almost as much. I just pull the tail off and chuck the claws n' stuff right back into the water -- you know, give the local kitties something to smell -- and put the tail on a hook. I will crack the shell a bit so it's a little softer and so it'll release more scent. (not sure if it does, but it sounds good, doesn't it?)

Anyhow, grats on the Cats!

Messages In This Thread
Jordan and Highland Glen Park - by starkinkade2 - 05-25-2012, 04:40 AM
Re: [joethafoe] Jordan and Highland Glen Park - by TroutBumDave - 05-25-2012, 03:25 PM

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