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Graduation Present
The last three years I have been in pharmacy school and this coming Saturday I graduate. Yee-haw!!! So my wife being the wonderful person she is gave me a kitchen pass to spend a couple of days fishing to celebrate.

First stop would be Deer Creek. I had a couple of surprises while fishing there. The first was catching a couple of skinny dippers in the hole I wanted to fish. I gave them a few minutes to get them selves situated and head down the road before I made my way down to shore to fish. The second surprise came when I started catching crappie. I have seen a few reports of people catching them at Deer Creek, but I wound up catching about a dozen while I was there. I also caught a couple of bass, 6 perch and a nice rainbow that got off at my feet. All fish were caught with jigs tipped with a worm. I also had the pleasure to meet LOAH. He's is the reason I actually knew about this place and it was great to meet him and his two little ones.

After having fun there I got back on the road and headed for Starvation. I was going to meet up with my friend the next morning to spend the day fishing with him in his boat. We met up the next morning and set off to see what Starvation had in store for us. She didn't disappoint us in what she had to offer. We got into the bows right away. My buddy had caught half a dozen before I could get one in the boat so I was a little discouraged, but that changed quickly as I was able to land my best walleye to date. Taped just shy of 22". We were able to start picking up several more walleye as the morning wore on. We also landed one brown, a perch, several SMB and a couple of ugly chubs. Looks like the warm water fish are starting to wake up.

All fish were caught with jigs tipped with worms. Water temp ranged from 56-60 degrees depending on location and time of day. Trout and walley were caught in 20-30 feet of water.

Couldn't have asked for a better way to celebrate graduation! First attached pic is of my take home catch from Deer Creek. The other pic is of my walleye.

Messages In This Thread
Graduation Present - by jamon_negro - 06-01-2012, 04:47 AM
Re: [jamon_negro] Graduation Present - by LOAH - 06-01-2012, 04:56 AM
Re: [fordkustom] Graduation Present - by cdbrc - 06-02-2012, 02:09 AM
Re: [cdbrc] Graduation Present - by jamon_negro - 06-02-2012, 03:42 AM

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