10-21-2003, 08:09 AM
I currently have a siberian husky, closet thing to a wolf you can leagly buy.
you are correct about her temperment. the only thing you missed on is that they always chalange for the alpha position, females as well as males. they want to run the house and tell you when it is time for a walk time for dinner time to get up in the morning.
males of the species are highly protective of their masters just as you said, the femails are a bit easer going.
it takes a strong willed individual to live with one of these animals. they are not for just any one. I got mine from a breader and herd the night mare stroies of people she sold animals to only to have the animals destroied because they could not handle them and got bitten. thus becomming terrified of the animals.
she was hessitent to sell me one of her hybred champian stock till I had gave her a bit of my history with animal handling. I used to be an attach dummy for animals being trained for the canadian royal mounted police. bouveas' (sory about the spelling)
yep she snarls and growls at me all the time, just waiting for the day when I go wimpy. lol
she also is spoiled to boot, she wants her meet cooked. [
you are correct about her temperment. the only thing you missed on is that they always chalange for the alpha position, females as well as males. they want to run the house and tell you when it is time for a walk time for dinner time to get up in the morning.
males of the species are highly protective of their masters just as you said, the femails are a bit easer going.
it takes a strong willed individual to live with one of these animals. they are not for just any one. I got mine from a breader and herd the night mare stroies of people she sold animals to only to have the animals destroied because they could not handle them and got bitten. thus becomming terrified of the animals.
she was hessitent to sell me one of her hybred champian stock till I had gave her a bit of my history with animal handling. I used to be an attach dummy for animals being trained for the canadian royal mounted police. bouveas' (sory about the spelling)
yep she snarls and growls at me all the time, just waiting for the day when I go wimpy. lol
she also is spoiled to boot, she wants her meet cooked. [