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Test Your Knowledge of Wolves
we got duke when he was 5=6 weeks old and he would of died like his sisterand mother,if we didn,t take him. al said there were no others in the area as fer as a pack, he did not see and they didn,t come around if there were. no track in the snow,the mother had been dead fer a few days, so they were in rough shape when duke and her came home.the other guy took the female and she died of phenmonia. buit my point is, i would rather of had duke than anyhybid. i have trained dealt with animals, even the greyhounds which they feed meat and meat byproducts to keep them somewhat on the wild side so,s they go fer the rabbit better. i,ve worked with vets some, trained many of my friends dogs,and dealt with my friend hybrid and didn,t trust him. i gave him the respect he required,and he me, but i,d of never trusted him with my son. duke i could.but any animal requires respect nad love. he was bob,s pal, and i understood it and as long as i understood it, we had a bond, that i wouldn,t hurt bob, i respected him he did me. and were fine. since i was old enough to walk, i,ve had all kinds of animals, even my ferretts, and they woiuld give me kisses, come when i called em when i,d let them loose to play with duke and lad outside, tell me how many ferretts ya can let loose outside and them stay home, and come like a cat when ya call em?? haha oh, once they went to greggs swimmimn pool and he called me to tell me they were swimmin in his pool to come git em. haha laddie. and duke never went for the ferretts either but duke was young enough so he took us as his pack, and excepted his life the way it was with all the animals,in his life. YES INTELLIGANT! HE KNEW AND UNDERSTOOD HIS LIFE. OR HE WOULDN,T OF LIVED TILL HE WAS 16 YEARS OLD SO HE HAD TO BE HAPPY. and i,d of done it a hundred times over for the memories igot. rather than to let him starve and freze to death.i had to bottle feed him till he was old enough to eat. duke was not hiper like them hybrids. that,s why they call em hybrids cause they are so wound all the time that ya can,t trust em.i have dealt with them and the ones i,ve seen i wouldn,t give a nickle for. if you,ve raised em, then what did you use them fer if they weren,t meant to be pets??FRIENDS? if you had em then it,s either you showed affection to em because they crave it and if they didn,t git it from you then there,s no reason to raise them! for without the love and affection they will be more hypir. cause it,s not considered a pack to him. he,s either on a chain or in a cage, and once doin that, your learnin em nothin but hate and the loss of their freedom. they will go crazy. you,ve taken their spirit away. also losin respect between you and him. duke was never on a chain or a cage. he was content to lay on the porch or under the porch, which where he made hois den. duke stayed with me because he wanted to not cause he had to, like all my animals. they chose me, and it was fate that god sent him to us to take care of just like all who stayed with me. you don,t choose them, it has to go both ways, and if it isn,t there, there is no bond. betwixt ya, what did you do with them?? we wouldn,t of taken duke if there was a pack around to tkae care of him. but i have never in my life let an animal die a death of starvin and freezin to death and al couldn,t do it.either. i,m glad he didn,t. you could never imagine how dosile duke was. these were some of the happiest days of my life with duke and laddie. and duke died happy. and i,d do it again, if the situation arose where he,d a died. but i do believe the worst thing theyve ever done was to raise them hybrids. this is where people are just as bad, they do not know how to keep them respect them and have it come back ten fold and then like i said before, the animal pays the price. but alot of this happens with alot of good mixed breeds, and pure beagles, they seem cute to them, when their a pup, but when he runs off cause he wants to do what he was born to do, they say he won,t listen and not trainable. so they git rid of him, or put him down. or they,re put down cause they don,t stand up to their owner expectations, or they have no idea how to train then fer huntin, or his dog doesn,t exceed his neighbors dogs, or just because of breedin papers aren,t up to his expectaions so they put em down. i,d like to see his breedin and papers, haha he aint, got none. so the dog pays. they cramp their style and don,t know how to train or take care of them. it,s always the dogs fault. bull!well i,m gittin off ny point but alot of good dogs are killed because of stupid arogence and with no feelins towards the animal. have no understandin of him, or his breed. IGNORANCE. i,ve lived in the country all my life,, so we didn,t have too many come round either so it was good, fer duke, he,d let em know it was his territory, when they did but when i said it,s ok, he was fine. he,d go back to his den, too many just don,t know how to live and let live, and know how to live and love together. and most of all respect one another, animals can, wolves can, and duke me and my family did, cause my animls were my family. yeah i,d do it all again!

Messages In This Thread
Test Your Knowledge of Wolves - by davetclown - 10-16-2003, 06:18 AM
Re: [davetclown] Test Your Knowledge of Wolves - by fishfather - 10-16-2003, 05:57 PM
Re: [davetclown] Test Your Knowledge of Wolves - by fishfather - 10-16-2003, 08:43 PM
Re: [daymere] Test Your Knowledge of Wolves - by lou - 10-21-2003, 02:45 PM

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