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Jmax, Chick, MAN!! It is on fire!, Bass, 5/14/12, solo(pic, 8 lbs.4 ozes.)
Thought I would sneak out this afternoon for a little outing to see if I could locate some bass for the CBA tournament this weekend. All I can say is, WOW! It seems the bass fishing on our lake has really picked up. I caught around 25 LM, 3 spots and a smallie. I had easily over 20 lbs with my best five anchored by this one that weighed in at 8 lbs and 4 ozes. emoEek I could have used her this weekend. emoRolleyes I only went to four places but caught bass in all four. I only took out three rods, one was a shakey, one a spook and one a TN rig. I had the big girl take the shakey in about eight feet right off a grass flat. I was working it on top and letting it fall off the edge into the deeper water. The boat was sitting in 12 feet. When I set the hook she did not move, I thought I had a big flathead. Then when I got her moving she headed for deep water and never came up. I would have sworn she was a cat until she finally came up right at the boat and I was able to grab her right off. emoTongue She is very long and a beautiful fish. I also had one in two feet just destroy a spook that was a little over four. She appeared to be spawning and had a bloody tail emoConfused She must be one of those May spawners. Most bass today came off the shakey on edges coming off spawning flats. I had one little bass that was maybe 12 inches long fighting right by the boat, just when I was about to swing it in a big bass came right up and tried to take it away from me. emoEek It about made me mess on myself. I tried like crazy to get it to hit right after that but it never showed itself again. emoBooHoo It was a very interesting afternoon trip, right when I got there the sky fell and I had to wait it out under the boat stalls at the ramp. I saw a couple more do the same thing. I got out about an hour and another front came in and it again rained like crazy. I took shelter again and waited it out for the back half. Finally when that one went thought the sky opened and was very nice. I think those fronts coming through had those bass biting. emoThumbsup <br /><br />I caught bass today from 1 foot to about 15 foot. I tried deeper but it was not any good for me. I was having so much success shallow I had to go back to it. emoDance I am looking forward to this weekend and hope that you can come to the tournament for the CBA or at least make the weigh in.<br /><br />C-ya on the water. emoAngler Jmax

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Jmax, Chick, MAN!! It is on fire!, Bass, 5/14/12, solo(pic, 8 lbs.4 ozes.) - by FishNews - 06-11-2012, 09:00 AM

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