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Big Beautiful Cutts, All Day Long!
[quote Deadeye008]I keep coming back and looking at these. Nice find[#bf0000]S[/#bf0000]![/quote]

sorry - think you mi[#bf0000]SS[/#bf0000]ed a letter.

so should I dogpile the gush-parade?! No many pix is too many pix! Reminds me why I like to paint dots, and slashes on my blades! Triggers and signals - just showed my daughter why cutthroat trout are called what they are.

Loah - you will never cease to amaze me at how much fishing you can put in in a day! I've been known to stop here, go there, drop by another spot . . . but your adventures go far a field.
Makes me feel negligent on the trips I don't pull out the camera enough to do an "essay" so much as a short story!

Ah, Cliffnotes! Gets a generation through college!

Messages In This Thread
Big Beautiful Cutts, All Day Long! - by LOAH - 06-11-2012, 01:10 AM
Re: [Deadeye008] Big Beautiful Cutts, All Day Long! - by CoyoteSpinner - 06-13-2012, 10:27 PM

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