06-14-2012, 04:00 PM
A few years back at Condie I was having the same exact problem, they would swim up and look at the bait but I coulndt get a strike. One of my cast I got caught up on a small bush and was trying to lightly jig my bait off of the bush which made it sit there for a minute trying to get it off and all the sudden a pretty nice bass smacked the crap out of it. For the next several hours I was able to walk the bank and snag up on small structures which I would just sit there and jig my bait on. I could see the bass just swim up and stare at my bait almost in a trance and then wham. I got it on film but its on my old high 8 video and I dont know how to transfer that stuff to my computer. Anyway that might be an idea. Give you a little more presentation time instead if the fast instinct strike doesnt work.