06-15-2012, 01:43 AM
Valid question! At this time we do not offer a monetary reward for expert fishing reports. Rather we rely on experts who are willing to share their expertise with other anglers. I think you can see sportsmen like this all over Idaho and even on this forum. They have a willingness to help others out who don’t know as much as they do or have that same expertise. We do offer free advertising for our experts, but that is typically only useful when our experts are guides or retailers. Hope that doesn’t discourage your interest or other Idaho experts!
Valid question! At this time we do not offer a monetary reward for expert fishing reports. Rather we rely on experts who are willing to share their expertise with other anglers. I think you can see sportsmen like this all over Idaho and even on this forum. They have a willingness to help others out who don’t know as much as they do or have that same expertise. We do offer free advertising for our experts, but that is typically only useful when our experts are guides or retailers. Hope that doesn’t discourage your interest or other Idaho experts!