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Cheap fishing net build
So. I'm OBSESSED with making very useful fishing gear out of other people's trash. I have certain objectives with each piece of art. First and foremost, quality must exceed that of Walmart. Just kidding, it has to be good quality. No exceptions.

I also love making stuff out of plastic six pack pop rings. Very versatile and high tensile strength. So, without making you wait any longer than I already have, here's the secret recipe.

1. 16 plastic six pack pop rings. Any brand will do but I prefer shasta pop because it's the cheapest and that adds to the eroticism of this whole obsession.

First a note here before on to ingredient two. I've made 3 so far out of old pork and beans cans by spiraling and unwinding them. It's doable but it's terrible work filing them and then crushing them in a vice to cure the sharp areas. One mistake and BAM! net and fish are gonzo. "If ya have ta ya gots ta", but be aweful careful okay.

2. I've also used old couch sub springs from those idiots who dump their couches into a farmers field. NOTE OF IMPORTANCE: make sure to ask the farmer permission before blazing the couch to free those springs. Trust me, the only thing us farmers hate more than trash dumpers is mosquitoes, DDT overspray, living next to ATK Thiokol, and trash bonfires on are land.

3. Old string found on the banks. I HATE finding monofilm everywhere in the sage brush to the flooded floor. Don't be expensive. Collect it and use it for the Knots.

Okay, so pretty explanatory how to put this thing together. Make your couch innerd springs and cover it in roe if ya feel the need to break it in. Tie them plastic six pack holders onto it. This part is very important: USE TWO KNOTS PER RING NO EXCEPTIONS. You want to cut corners you might as well go to Walmart and that's fine with me. But you want to do it right than use two knots. Any fishin knot will do really and don't let those teeth grit too much. No need to chew the extra line off those fish already caught duh!

4. Stamp it made in America. That's most important.

Messages In This Thread
Cheap fishing net build - by Stumped - 06-15-2012, 03:32 AM

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