10-22-2003, 03:12 AM
i hear ya there, my son cliff told me of this husky he had been all nerved up about when he,d gone with a friend to look at a truck. she was tied to another truck with no food or water, and bleedin out the mouth. i knoew then she,d been beaten on and bleedin internally. so cliff and i went to see her. she was the red with blue eyes, she was gorgeous,other than the way she ws lookin. it was too bad she had been abused.all her life. she ws skinny flea infestedl left to starve on a chain because the people had put her on it because they were scat of her cause she,d finally started fightin back. she cowered and had gone crazy from pacin herself back and forth she was so nervous.from not eatin and bein beat. her neck was raw and ribs broke, and tell me i wouldn,t of loved to git my hand on them.we went andi told em either ya give her to me or i,m takin her anyways, and callon the authorities. i was hopin to save her, she was too far gone and rather havin her suffer, anymore, we had to put her down and even then she still had a spark of love towards me and cliff. i think she was sayin thanks, nothin ticks me off more. i also had a beautiful samoyed, 3/4 and the rest a touch of the sable collie. she was smart and lovin and had her fer 12 years. she had some gold in her long husky coat, and she was a gem. looked full husky but ya could see htat touch of collie too. but as far as a good dog too, i,ll tkae my lovin beagles too.haha i guess i love em all haha it is in all how their raised with love. no different than a kid. and that,s so true.