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Tiger Muskie stole my fish!
Now THAT's Entertainment! Glad he got to keep all his fingers. I've been standing on my bow, and had one slam the edge of the boat right by my foot - spooky!

I've also had a caught perch swallered up - landed my first Musky that way - don't think I ever hooked him, just stubborn enought to NOT LET GO! Can't say I blame him, those perch are tasty!
I'd got a bit worried about rinsing the blood of a perch after unhooking it. Decided splashing, blood, perch, fingers - not a good combo to present off the side of the boat!

Seen a stringer of Bass at Pineview that got chomped by a Musky, even heard of someone wading with a stringer attached to their waste. Now that would shiver yer timbers!

Was pulling in a little bass the other week, and the fight got harder - so I'm lifting a good size bass out of the water, when it falls off - as I re-lift the line, realize I've now got a small bass on, then he flipped off. Yup - munched on the way in.

At least your kid'll have a good story to tell his buds for years to come!

Messages In This Thread
Tiger Muskie stole my fish! - by Pharticus - 06-22-2012, 01:30 PM
Re: [Pharticus] Tiger Muskie stole my fish! - by CoyoteSpinner - 06-22-2012, 06:34 PM

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