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Tiger Muskie stole my fish!
[quote KingTwistedKidd]How olds your boy?[/quote]
He's 11. We teased him about needing to be put back in diapers.

[quote KingTwistedKidd]How did he do with it after that incident?[/quote]
After his recovery, he thought it was all very exciting. He insisted that HE get to tell the story to his mother back at camp.

[quote CoyoteSpinner]I'd got a bit worried about rinsing the blood of a perch after unhooking it. Decided splashing, blood, perch, fingers - not a good combo to present off the side of the boat! [/quote]
Never thought about that... and I'm not sure I want to. Thanks for putting THAT image in my mind. [Wink]

[quote CoyoteSpinner]At least your kid'll have a good story to tell his buds for years to come![/quote]
Fishing stories are the best kind. As a father, I've come to realize that my parents were complete strangers to me. They never tried to relate at all. Good parents, but old school... I'm trying a different tact, and my kids seem to enjoy hearing about my multitudinous fishing adventures.

[quote joethafoe]You ever see that video that came out on the net a couple of months ago where a guy was fighting a huge marlin for hours out on the sea and just as they got it to the boat tons of sharks tear the thing apart in a matter of seconds. All that was left was the head!!! [/quote]
Have you guys read Hemingway's classic, "The Old Man and the Sea"? That book was almost universally hated by 13-15 year olds forced to read it in school, but I loved it. It was an epic story of a fisherman who eventually lost the catch of a lifetime to sharks. Couldn't help but think of that book when I watched that vid.

[quote setthehook]This was at newton a few years ago.. I filmed it. [url "[/quote]"][/quote][/url]
Is it just me, or does that TM look like a happy little puppy with its favorite toy?

Messages In This Thread
Tiger Muskie stole my fish! - by Pharticus - 06-22-2012, 01:30 PM
Re: [KingTwistedKidd] Tiger Muskie stole my fish! - by Pharticus - 06-23-2012, 02:51 PM

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