06-24-2012, 06:27 PM
Trail head was about 8600 ft and our base camp was about 9600 ft. It was a great hike for our boys because we had a lot of 1st timers. We hiked in about 7 miles to base camp and most of the kids had on 35 to 45# packs. I would suggest something similar in elevation change if you have some newbies. The gradual climb made it much easier. We went on an 8 mile day hike last year and gained 2500 ft in elevation and a few boys struggled pretty bad just with day packs on so we wanted to do something a little easier this year.
A couple of the lakes we hiked into from our base camp were a little steeper but we only had to hike 3 or 4 miles round trip to get to them. Skeeters got pretty bad with the rise in temps. Make sure to have plenty of spray and maybe even a face net.
A couple of the lakes we hiked into from our base camp were a little steeper but we only had to hike 3 or 4 miles round trip to get to them. Skeeters got pretty bad with the rise in temps. Make sure to have plenty of spray and maybe even a face net.