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extensive wooly bugger testing (pic heavy)
Marabou tied softhackle style. I always run a V of fluoro straight off the fly line. I take 6 to 10 feet of P-Line, fold it in half, but with one side 1' to 3' longer (ex: 10' = 6' and 4') I put a loop and the fold and attach it straight to the fly line. I then run a nymph/chironomid/ scud whatever, smaller fly on the shorter. I run the bigger fly on the longer. If the bigger fly is a bait fish or Crayfish pattern, it gives the impression it is chasing food. Have a lot of double hook-ups with this.

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Re: [drowning_flys] extensive wooly bugger testing (pic heavy) - by flygoddess - 07-05-2012, 05:16 PM

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