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July 9th weekly IDFG chinook salmon fishing report for Upper Salmon
LOL...Hooknhunter, don't get you waders all wadded up.

As I stated, "Even the "bobber-boys" are able to catch a few"...

I'm not telling you that you that "Just cause it's "my" way doesn't mean it's the only way", but simply that stating that even those who don't have the touch, dexterity, or concentration to "fish" other than sitting in a lawn chair, watching a bobber, or for that fact, listening for a bell, can catch fish...

Best of luck with that 2-4 fish weekend Hooknhunter... Smile

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Re: [hooknhunter] July 9th weekly IDFG chinook salmon fishing report for Upper Salmon - by Huntsman - 07-10-2012, 09:46 PM

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