07-17-2012, 12:15 PM
[quote forrest2906]Okay, so what do you do with a carp of this size after shooting it? Coyote bait, cut bait for sturgeon fishing, plant it in the garden, eat it or smoke it? I have never gone after this species due to not knowing if they were good to eat or smoke? What do the rest of you do with carp if, or when you catch them?
Thanks, Chuck[/quote]
Ive heard you can eat them...but takes some work to prepare them...you could use them for fertilizer...I believe fish and game USED to say dont throw them back in the water...just throw them on the bank somewhere...
Thanks, Chuck[/quote]
Ive heard you can eat them...but takes some work to prepare them...you could use them for fertilizer...I believe fish and game USED to say dont throw them back in the water...just throw them on the bank somewhere...