07-18-2012, 10:42 PM
You aren't going to get any flack from me. I think you stated your belief/opinion well and it is very valid. What is the time of flight on a 300 fps arrow at 100 yards. Assuming it stayed at 300 fps for the whole distance, TOF is 1 sec. The animal could be in a completely different location in 1 sec. Or it would be only half way to a different location and now you've got a gut shot. That doesn't even count the fact that it could hear the shot and spook(although that possiblity gets less as the distance increases) causing it to move or the fact that it could spook due to seeing the arrow coming. I agree with you.
Well stated, IMO. Not that the others are wrong either. I believe 100 yard shots are possible without a doubt (and even farthter). But is it right? All I'm going to say is, not for me.
You aren't going to get any flack from me. I think you stated your belief/opinion well and it is very valid. What is the time of flight on a 300 fps arrow at 100 yards. Assuming it stayed at 300 fps for the whole distance, TOF is 1 sec. The animal could be in a completely different location in 1 sec. Or it would be only half way to a different location and now you've got a gut shot. That doesn't even count the fact that it could hear the shot and spook(although that possiblity gets less as the distance increases) causing it to move or the fact that it could spook due to seeing the arrow coming. I agree with you.
Well stated, IMO. Not that the others are wrong either. I believe 100 yard shots are possible without a doubt (and even farthter). But is it right? All I'm going to say is, not for me.