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LP Kokanee
There are different styles and features on riggers, might be worth a hands on at a good sports store. Or check out what others have, and how they like them or don't.
Personally have a couple Cannons - and they have the vertical spool - I think I like that better.

One suggestion - if you can - go electric. Being able to zip up and down quickly is very helpful - if you run into sudden changes in depths, Or get into fish action!

Consider the used market. I got two electric Cannons for $200, one has a beat up body, but the gears and gizmos all work. I've only used the one, cuz I couldn't get my boy to run the other. Sure they're older, but I could have easily spent more just getting a decent single one.
[inline "Boat & Driver.jpg"]
I was using the rigger's holder for the ball rig, then have tried running sideplaners, or dipsy diver for a second line out that side.
There's a simple $10 book on downriggers you can get from Cabelas. There's better books, but it gives a good basis of the tool. Basic Trolling or Trolling Basics.

Here's[url ""] Cabela's downrigger buyers guide[/url].

This was a good book and covered a lot about trolling, downriggers. (click the pic - it's a link to Amazon)
[url ""]
[center][url ""][inline Kockanee.jpg][/url]

Messages In This Thread
LP Kokanee - by JusJoshinYa - 07-25-2012, 10:34 PM
Re: [JusJoshinYa] LP Kokanee - by Koke-Fiend - 07-26-2012, 01:30 AM
Re: [Koke-Fiend] LP Kokanee - by Kodiak1 - 07-26-2012, 03:00 AM
Re: [Koke-Fiend] LP Kokanee - by JusJoshinYa - 07-27-2012, 10:23 PM
Re: [JusJoshinYa] LP Kokanee - by CoyoteSpinner - 07-29-2012, 04:43 PM
Re: [JusJoshinYa] LP Kokanee - by AverysAdventure - 08-02-2012, 10:48 AM

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