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Pineview smallmouth
Since I am STILL waiting on parts for my boat to come in, I decided to give shore fishing at pineview another shot and actually got a few nice smallies. The water level is dropping more and more every time I go, we even saw a beached boat this time!

[Image: IMG_2351.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2350.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2349.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2348.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2347.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2346.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2344.jpg]

Water level
[Image: IMG_2343.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2342.jpg]
[Image: IMG_2333.jpg]

and the beached boat
[Image: IMG_2340.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Pineview smallmouth - by Jordanporritt - 07-31-2012, 02:21 AM
Re: [Bassin1] Pineview smallmouth - by JLG78 - 08-05-2012, 05:07 AM

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