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Uinta Brookies
I decided to make a detour on my way to work yesterday. I ended up in the Uintas and just happened to have my fishing gear, float tube, and waders in the back. Hmmm, how did they get there? lol. Wanted to do a bit of exploring and ended up at a lake I've never been to. The forest service map I picked up and the fee station wasn't super detailed and I had to a bit of searching. I ended up getting into some pretty hairy stuff in my Equinox, the type of roads that need an atv or a truck with some clearance. It doesn't have a ton of clearance. I scraped and scratched and banged the underneath of my vehicle so many times I'm surprised it still drives. Not to mention a few new racing stripes.

I arrived at the lake to find that it had better than average brookies with a few hold overs. No big-headed snakes either. They were in really nice shape. Most were 12-13 inches with a few around 14 and one at 16. They were some beautiful fish.

The weather was perfect. 75 degrees, clouds to shade me from the sun but no rain, no bugs, and best of all not another soul in sight.

Messages In This Thread
Uinta Brookies - by FSBO_SLAYER - 07-31-2012, 10:08 PM
Re: [FSBO_SLAYER] Uinta Brookies - by Jackalope - 07-31-2012, 10:58 PM
Re: [Jackalope] Uinta Brookies - by FSBO_SLAYER - 07-31-2012, 11:38 PM
Re: [FSBO_SLAYER] Uinta Brookies - by Jackalope - 07-31-2012, 11:46 PM
Re: [Jackalope] Uinta Brookies - by gaetzchamp - 08-01-2012, 01:24 AM
Re: [gaetzchamp] Uinta Brookies - by FSBO_SLAYER - 08-01-2012, 04:48 PM
Re: [FSBO_SLAYER] Uinta Brookies - by FlavorDave - 08-01-2012, 01:23 AM
Re: [FlavorDave] Uinta Brookies - by FSBO_SLAYER - 08-01-2012, 01:49 AM
Re: [FSBO_SLAYER] Uinta Brookies - by FlavorDave - 08-01-2012, 06:19 AM

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