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Strawberry / DAV Results?
I'm not sure who got the biggest fish.... you should have reported your fish, my Vet Von, had 10 fish, 4 Kok's and 8 Bows, 10 fish total with several jumping off right at the net. He won the most fish trophy.

That was a very good day, the bow's where really FAT... we where in the 15.5 range, with one little 13.5 bow. Trolling at 30-35 feet.

The koks where great there turning RED!!! we keeped one, that wasnt red yet, plus i couldn't revive him (yes a male) the rest where really red. Trolling at 60-65 feet.

Heres some pictures.

Messages In This Thread
Strawberry / DAV Results? - by SkunkedAgain - 08-05-2012, 01:01 AM
Re: [SkunkedAgain] Strawberry / DAV Results? - by EmptyBaitBucket - 08-05-2012, 02:10 AM

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