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Any tips for vertically jigging at Fish Lake
I've done my share of jigging. I don't have tips on specific locations, but here's my two cents as far as the splake and lakers go.

I'm sure you already know this, but an excellent fish finder can make a world of difference in getting your lures right in front of their noses. Flasher type sonar is made for vertical jigging, but standard side scrollers have always got it done for me.

Use braided line with a mono leader. Mono stretches, and at the depths you will llikely be jigging at, this effect is exaggerated. It is not too critical when trolling with a downrigger, but it can be when jigging. The sensitivity that braided line offers is a huge help with jig action and precise placement, detecting light strikes, and hook sets. Less missed fish for sure.

I would use silver/blue spoons, marabou jigs, and tube jigs. Jigs would be at least 1/2 oz in weight. Anything less just takes too long to sink at splake/laker depths. I would tip them with chub meat.

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Re: [kentofnsl] Any tips for vertically jigging at Fish Lake - by RyanCreek - 08-07-2012, 04:51 PM

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