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2012 Idaho BFT Deer contest.
How big are the teams? I'm open for teaming up with someone. If you are interested in teaming up with me, PM me your application.[Wink][Wink].

Just so you know, if I'm in, I'll be in to win. I have a controlled hunt for the last week of October in unit 36A, I'm looking for a good 4 point (24-25 inch spread or better) at the smallest and hopefully something better than that. Last year a guy took a 200+ buck and I've heard that numerous 180 class bucks were spotted but not harvested. I also drew for extra deer (antlerless) in unit 16X. You know I'll be good for at least 5 points and maybe up to 20 or more if I find what I'm looking for. My brother drew for the same 2 hunts. Maybe I should get him to sign up and be on my team.[angelic]

I'm also good for the $5 on a BB contest. Or even $10 or $15 since it will be for charity anyway. I much prefer a contest for charity that for prizes....... although some BFT stuff would be cool as long as it's donated too.

Messages In This Thread
2012 Idaho BFT Deer contest. - by chrome_junky - 08-06-2012, 06:42 PM
Re: [chrome_junky] 2012 Idaho BFT Deer contest. - by hooknhunter - 08-08-2012, 01:44 PM

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