08-12-2012, 04:02 PM
Dude good for you thats not bad for someones first time fishing for pike at yuba the res is overrun by them. My freind was out there yesterday and he caught 14 pike from the shore with a rig that i showed him.Pike are also one of the best fresh water eating fish there is better than any trout. Its funny people pay thosands of dollars to go fish for pike in the northern states and we have a trophy fishery here in our back yard.Theres mostly of 20-30 inch pike in yuba so if you really want something big next time either use huge baits or lures .And what i mean by huge is a 12 inch lure or bait.That almost keeps those under 30 inchers of your line.I rather catch one bigun than a bunch of small ones.Oh by the way i would recomend hard lures i have gone through a bunch of plastic baits .[:p]