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Hey there swimfan,

Thank you for your straightforward question.

I have a policy that I hope is with the spirit of BFT delete or edit guidlines. Unless a person 1) Uses filthy language (the b word is unfortunately quite common on many even tame boards) 2) Makes threats, or 3) attacks someone personally but..... I feel the post is inappropriate I'll PM them unless they are guests. If the post is off topic this I let them understand through a smart remark or too. If they are guest, they've got 12 hours to edit it them selves.

One point as to why I leave a post like that on for awhile is to let our other visitors see how we handle those sorts of posts. If the perp doesn't get it and refrain from whatever, then there ain't no second chance.

Some people thought they were cute by changing IP address or registering different names with yahoo, but there garbage still comes through loud and clear. If they stay inbounds fine if they remain off topic they'll be gone after I tell them to go to the BFT not necessarily fishing board.

I will continue this policy until the powers that be advise me I need to tighten the reins a little. Or the person begins to disrupt the general peace of the board.


Messages In This Thread
ASH!!! - by DH_tubinjoe - 10-27-2003, 11:30 PM
Re: [DH_tubinjoe] ASH!!! - by theangler - 10-28-2003, 11:16 AM
Re: [theangler] ASH!!! - by DH_tubinjoe - 10-28-2003, 08:11 PM

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