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My 1st 100 fish day!
[quote BagABigOne]Man, you are a thinker, and being athletic that you are I have an idea for you. Rig up a paddle wheel on your bicycle mount it on your pontoon and I bet you could really cover some water. Good luck[/quote]

At first I figured you were pulling a leg, but after checking around - it's not so far fetched. There are tinkerers out there! Sounded like a gizmo off of ZOOM or something...

There are folks who ride the dike at Willard chasing boils. I know out east - the pier fishers have come up with various carts to wheel their gear around. I could use some wheels for hauling gear to a shore-side!
(In case embed doesn't work)

[inline 49bartonbroad.jpg]

[inline PaddleBoatMomandKids.jpg]

A little more high-tech:
[inline PaddleCar.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
My 1st 100 fish day! - by TyeDyeTwins - 08-11-2012, 02:12 AM
Re: [TyeDyeTwins] My 1st 100 fish day! - by JLG78 - 08-11-2012, 03:44 AM
Re: [JLG78] My 1st 100 fish day! - by TyeDyeTwins - 08-11-2012, 07:27 AM
Re: [BagABigOne] My 1st 100 fish day! - by CoyoteSpinner - 08-14-2012, 05:21 PM

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