08-17-2012, 04:13 PM
For Trout,
Ive been up there the last 3 weekends and have done well on Pop Gear and a Worm and Wedding Rings tipped with a worm behind a Dodger. A lot of others Ive talked to have caught them on Flatfish. I troll 3 to 4 colors (no Downrigger) along the Bank between Wallsburg inlet and the point at Rainbow Bay. If it gets slow for any reason, I thrown out some Power Bait at the Point and Drift. This has worked well other then Last Sunday, we didn't even get a bite on Power Bait fishing it for 3 hours. But did well trolling so it didn't matter.
Ive been up there the last 3 weekends and have done well on Pop Gear and a Worm and Wedding Rings tipped with a worm behind a Dodger. A lot of others Ive talked to have caught them on Flatfish. I troll 3 to 4 colors (no Downrigger) along the Bank between Wallsburg inlet and the point at Rainbow Bay. If it gets slow for any reason, I thrown out some Power Bait at the Point and Drift. This has worked well other then Last Sunday, we didn't even get a bite on Power Bait fishing it for 3 hours. But did well trolling so it didn't matter.