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Just got back from Pineview HOLY CATS!!!
I decided to take my kids up to Pineview this afternoon after I finished with work. I figured we'd be able to get into some panfish somewhere and that would be fun for them to have a little fish fry afterwards. What I didnt expect was getting into a HUGE mess of bullhead cats, And when I say huge mess I mean the three of us limited out in two hours !! I literally could not cast and have a line in the water for more than two minutes AVG was one per minute. I wish I could have got some pix but honestly it was so fast there was no time at all. So my question is now does anyone have any good recipes for these bullheads? I have a few ideas ive tried before but wondered if you guys may have something better since I now have plenty to experiment with, I have just spent the better part of three hours cleaning them all, back is sore hands are sore and im hungry as all get out lolz.

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Just got back from Pineview HOLY CATS!!! - by ghostpix - 08-26-2012, 02:42 AM

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