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uinta trip 8/23-8/26
made my first camp trip of the summer or whats left of it and decided to go camping in the primitive area along the upper provo river and set up shop. once we got everything set up i noticed a fish rise in the river or puddle of a river and got my new fly rod that i havnt caught a fish in yet and laid a grey humpy pattern on him and bamm the first inaugural fish on the new rod SWEEET!!!!!![Smile].
After all that we ate and made are way up to teapot lake just to do a little flingin before dark, we were hoping it would be calm and the dry action would be on but the wind didnt cooperate with us. ill have to admit it i got a skunk there in the 20 minutes i fished but missed a few on dries but they were dinks imsure or i would have hooked em but hey i got 2 more days to get some good fish on the dries, my dad landed a nice 14 inch brookie out of there though and it was just real pretty pattern. after that we went back to camp had a few too many brews and hit the hay knowing that we were going to go on our hiking trip to a little place that someone was kind enough to let us know about and swore me to secrecy. but after we got up and drove to the trailhead we made the hike up to this new lake and after about 40 minutes we were there, just a beautiful lake and it was perculating from all of the fish slurping bugs off the top of the water so i threw on my good ole humpy from earlier and started fishing with it, the fishing was good but not all that fast and furious in total i got 3 sixteen inch bows that were good looking and healthy and then got about ten nice tigers with nothing less than 15 inches and the biggest being a wopping 19 1/2 inches with a good ole hook jaw, my dad was catching the same amount of fish with that size on a number 20 sulpher bug, no brookies this time up but both of us had nice ones on that shook the hook right on shore and im guessing they wer about 15 or 16 inches but definalty the biggest uinta fish ive ever caught which was cool and it was nice getting into some decent tigers. all in all it was a good trip other than the rain saturday night and my lack of not being able to catch an f-ing grayling[crazy] i tried but no luck i think i wasnt i in the best grayling lakes.

will post pics from my new cam later cause i have to go and buy the cord that connects to the computer after work today.

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uinta trip 8/23-8/26 - by Jazzperch1 - 08-27-2012, 12:29 PM

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