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Chalk Creek Adventure
Well, I wish I had the guts to try and bring my camera to the small streams I fish because I caught some beautiful fish at chalk creek this past weekend. If any of you don't know, chalk creek is a stream East of Fillmore. From what I've read before, it is a small stream that produces surprisingly large fish. I have heard of fish as big as 8 lbs. being pulled out of there.

Anyways, I was there this past Saturday, started at about 4 and was done in about an hour. I had caught rainbows and brookies. They were for the most part your standard 10-12 inch stream trout, however I did pull out one rainbow that was 17 inches, and one more that was a hair short of 15 inches. I really should have brought my camera [crazy]

Anyways, I hope to get back there when my wife and baby are happy enough without me and explore some other parts of that area. I know that there are other access points (I had to drive down an ATV trail to get to the spot I went to). I'll let you guys know how I do in the future. Before I forget I was using a size 12 tan hopper and that was all I needed!

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Chalk Creek Adventure - by happybob91 - 09-11-2012, 06:10 PM

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