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Quick Uinta Trip with Tigers!
I took a quick trip up to Trial Lake last weekend. I didn't have a lot of time but wanted to try to add Tiger Trout to my catch list this year.

The Trial Lake trip was an amazing success. In about 2 hours around lunch time I caught 21 fish including Rainbows, Cutthroat, and yes, Tigers.

Most the fish were 10-12 inchers I threw back, but I kept one 14" Rainbow and one 13" Tiger for dinner (to add to a few perch caught at Deer Creek on the way up).

In one stretch, I had 5 consecutive casts with fish... and rarely went more than 4 casts without one.

Fun day of fishing -- yielding some very tasty fish for dinner.

BTW -- I noticed the Tiger was both oilier and the skin was "thicker" than the Rainbow. From a cleaning and prepping perspective, the Tiger was a bit more work. Is that normal?

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Quick Uinta Trip with Tigers! - by MasterDaad - 09-11-2012, 06:12 PM

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