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Cheep strike indecators ? Walmart
Google or youtube thingamabobber there little round plastic bubbles with a eyelet on top. all you do is loop your leader in half feed it through the eyelet and loop the slack line around the thingamabobber.

By law you can only use 2 to 3 hooks depending on the body of water. The LP is two hooks, eg: 2 bait hooks, 2 flies or two trebles.

So you wouldn't be able to use a Dry and 2 Nymphs. Just one dry and one nymph.

If your nymphing need a strike indicator in a hurray really all you need is something light, brightly colored and floats. In the past We used to use water balloons, even styrofoam from a a cooler.

or if you really in a pinch and break the hook off a big dry like a hopper, or damsel there no law saying what your strike indicator looks like just the number of hooks.

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Re: [LOVBASS117] Cheep strike indecators ? Walmart - by sinergy - 10-12-2012, 03:46 PM

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