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Tye Dye's Southern Utah Adventure!!!!!
Yeah well Recapture was a backtrack to Blanding pretty much. About 70 miles one way. So if I had known of it I would have done recapture the 1st day. Oh well I got my pike in a new place so it was all good.

I will admit that my trip consisted of 90mph on the highways most of the time. As you could see in that bass pic from recapture it did take a toll on the front row of spikes but hey the beyond the zone hair glue survived on day 7 (from being put in) and at 90mph. Amazingly strong stuff!

Southern Utah is great to explore. I have done the winter, fall, summer, and spring and each have a different thing to offer but honestly summer is the best. Hot as hell which means less people on the trails.

Although the January hike up to delicate arch under the full moon from 11 years ago is a memory that will last forever.

I would highly recommend southeastern utah to you and your family. I personally like to see new things so this trip was not the greatest. Couldn't go very many places with the miata. 6 inch clearance sucks when you have seen all the main attractions. If I had a better car I could have seen some new places for sure.

As I stated earlier I might be going for a tushar like trip down there someday. The La Sals are great mountains for backcountry skiing. With Kens Lake right at the foot of them and pike in the area.......oh it don't get much better than that in the spring!!!!!

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Re: [CoyoteSpinner] Tye Dye's Southern Utah Adventure!!!!! - by TyeDyeTwins - 10-23-2012, 01:51 AM

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