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Yuba quicky
Well my dolphins put a whooping on the jets so i was in a good mood today so my son wanted to do some pike fishing so off we went .Well the water is dirty green so i didnt think we would catch anything. I caght the first and only pike and my son caught a carp so we didnt get skunked .we were there only for an hour and a half and we didnt get any other bites. Cant wait for ice fishing for some pike .[Wink]

Messages In This Thread
Yuba quicky - by ocean - 10-29-2012, 04:35 AM
Re: [ocean] Yuba quicky - by fish_fear_me2 - 10-29-2012, 01:50 PM
Re: [fish_fear_me2] Yuba quicky - by ocean - 10-30-2012, 03:03 AM

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