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new sled in the makings
here are the steps to building a Green Sled

[ol][li]Find materials for a body. in this case I used a plastic wheel barol found on the side of the road. Any thing can be used if you put your emanination to it, a wood box or even two milk crates will make a great green sled.[/li][li]Find material for skies. I was fortunate enough to find a pair of cross contry skies, again any thing can be used from wood slats with nothing no them or plastic covered bottoms to keep wet wood from freezing to the ice.[/li][li]Find materials for excessories or borrow them from your other seasonal rigs.[/li][li]Take what you compiled and look at it. think about how it will go together and make a game plan. I had a basic idea visulized in my head to start with but did not put it on paper. Putting it on paper will help you with your project especialy if you want to make something elaborate with lots of bells and wistles.[/li][li]First you need to constuct the body of your sled. In my case I had to compleatly dismantle the wheel barol. "the hard way because the wood was rotted and the hardwear rusted.[/li][li]Turn your sled bottom side up and measure for ski size. you want the skies to come up past the front of the bottom and at least near to the end of your sled, I made mine come out further on the front because I have extra nose room and the flexibility of the skies will help it to climb up on top of deap snow. I left my skies long on the back to help suport the weight on my power auger and keep the back side from grinding on any curbs I may have to trek over. Too much hanging out the front can lead to unwanted crashes as well.[/li][li]With the sled turned bottom side up, measure where your skies are going to be placed, use a stimpy marker to draw the outline of where every thing is going to go. You can achive your lay out two easy ways, use a square if you have one, if not use your math to make sure every thing is square.[/li][li]Now is the time to figure on your hardwear - screws, nuts bolts, zip ties and any other type of fasteners you may need to assemble any excessories. Try to make only one trip to the hardwear store. [/li][li]I used a spacer between skies and sled. I cut my spacers from one peice of left over preasure treated 2x4 from a construction site. When I made my spacer, I took in to concideration that the skie thickness from front to back is different. I also took in to concideration that I wanted my sled to drain because I do fish in the rain a lot in my area so I added another 1/4 inch to the angle of my spacer. There was a 1/4 inch differance in the ski thickness. Thus when I cut my spacer I had a total of 1/2 inch differance from front to back. Because the 2x4 is so short to begin with I suggest it be nailed to something before taking a circular saw to it. or use another cutting tool following all safety rules. [/li][li]I first mounted the skies to the spacer drilling my counter sink first then my though hole in to the bottom using 4 - 1 1/4 flat head wood screws. I pre drilled smaller holes for the wood screws in the spacer to allow for a smooth tight conection.[/li][li]With My sled upside down using the lay out I drew on the bottom, I drilled my through holes for 6 pan head wood screws with fender washers. I utilized the front two holes. [/li][li]I drilled the pilot hole in the front of spacer placing the front of the ski where I wanted it to be. [/li][li]Turn the sled over mounding the skies to the bottom usin only the front hole on each ski and lineing the bottom up according to plan [/li][li]drill the remaining 4 pilot holes and placing the wood screw one at a time. "Being sure not move skies from true position. [/li][li]The drag rope should be placed in the mid section horizontaly of the front or lower down. This will help to give lift to the sled when dragging it, helping it to climb on top of the snow or uneven ice.[/li][li]Use a square knot to tie your handle to your rope. this will help especialy on long drags, folding the rope over double leaving room for a large loop using one square knot will suffice. Wood dowl or pvc will work just fine for handles. this is realy a users choice, loops hook on to the pack of equipment just fine. [/li][li]I drilled two holes using knots on both sides of the holes keeping the rope from moving around, I also used an aluminum plate to help reduce any buckeling that may accur from dragging heavey loads. This plastic barrol may not need any additional body strenth, but I figured what the hey, I have it why not use it.[/li][/ol]

Now comes the excessory stuff. and this is pretty much where I quit because I had remembered I have portable excessories that I use on my other styles of fishing. For the most part my sled is finished other than giving it a good clean out and hitting it with some armorall / maybe, I may decide to paint it with plastic paint so I will hold off plastic treatment for a week or two. But then again I may not because I didnt want to spend as little as posible on this.

I grabbed my rod holders that I use on my boat and on rails when I am cat fishing on the board walk and throw them in my bucket. I put one on the side for show in the picture, it mounts anywhere on the sled I want it to. Otherwise I would have gone with pvc rod holders.

In the next couple weeks when I do my ice fishing inventory I will do a pratice setup on my sled to see how every thing fits and rides. I will take another photo at that time. then make any ajustments that may be needed to make a secure ride.

[url ""][Image: DSCN1703.JPG][/url] To show spacer, Ske lenth, rod holder

[url ""][Image: DSCN1705.JPG][/url] To show drag rope re-enforcement plate, rod holder

[url ""][Image: DSCN1704.JPG][/url] To show knots used in fron of the sled, skies to climb on top of the snow

[url ""][Image: DSCN1707.JPG][/url] To show mounting of skies to spacers, placement of skies, drain hole for sled

[url ""][Image: DSCN1706.JPG][/url] To show knots on inside of sled, drag rope re-enforcement plate, Mounting screws to spacers

Messages In This Thread
new sled in the makings - by davetclown - 09-24-2012, 06:34 PM
Re: [wiperhunter2] new sled in the makings - by davetclown - 11-06-2012, 06:52 PM

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