11-09-2012, 06:22 AM
I probably spend 70%/90% of my time fishing streamers. I tie alot of different patterns. Olive cactus chenille, black Estaz Opalescent can be very effect. I like the Circus Peanut and Dungeon patterns. I fished the Weber a few weeks ago throwing an Olive Dungeon-caught 21 1/2" brown. Do not overlook basic colors---Some basic colors can be deadly. I tie alot of articulated patterns. I like schlappen---usually palmer two feathers together. I use Whiting Farms Bugger Pak for hackle. TMC 5263 is a favorite of mine as well as the Gamakatsu B10S stinger. On more delicate river systems I will not use B10S---that is just me. I am now experimenting with bucktail---like the movement. Color is more important than pattern (personal opinion). Hope this helps.