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Black Friday on Pineview 11-23-12
[quote TubeDude] [#0000ff]Deer Creek is still a question. There were some good catches made before it got too cold in the fall, but after that they became scarce...all over the lake.

[#0000ff]I am cautiously optimistic about Jordanelle this winter. [/#0000ff][#0000ff][/#0000ff][/quote]

Agreed. I was one of the folks that just killed 'em one trip at DC. But, 10 feet away from that one spot and you'd think the lake was empty. And, once we found where the trout were a few weeks ago we had a grand time. But like you said, we were fishing in some areas where that I've never fished before, and pretty tough to get to on the ice.

I'd love Jordanelle to be good. I've only been there once, the infamous pivotal day in history when you got skunked and I only caught one trout. I'm sure in the back recesses of your mind you still haven't forgiven me - but then, since you so royally catch so many more than me as a general rule, perhaps you've been very gracious to forget. I'd be more than willing for a rematch and challenge your superior skill against my bad luck! HAHAHA [laugh]

And yah, let's hope for a good water year to walk on!

Messages In This Thread
Black Friday on Pineview 11-23-12 - by TubeDude - 11-24-2012, 01:25 AM
Re: [TubeDude] Black Friday on Pineview 11-23-12 - by Roghet - 11-25-2012, 12:59 AM

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