11-28-2012, 07:38 PM
You COULD get the fish of a life time. As Wind said they are far and few, but it works both ways.
Back when the fish were reported bigger, they were also far and few. Many people got skunked.
I would say your chances of getting skunk are next to 0 now. There are too many fish with the stocking and the unexpected release of the naturals, so please keep a limit.
There are some big ones but, I will say, even the 18" and 19" can straighten hooks.
That is what I love about H. You walk away with a sore arm. Maybe not from that one 30+" but from a bunch of 20+"ers.
You will be hooked....guaranteed.
Back when the fish were reported bigger, they were also far and few. Many people got skunked.
I would say your chances of getting skunk are next to 0 now. There are too many fish with the stocking and the unexpected release of the naturals, so please keep a limit.
There are some big ones but, I will say, even the 18" and 19" can straighten hooks.
That is what I love about H. You walk away with a sore arm. Maybe not from that one 30+" but from a bunch of 20+"ers.
You will be hooked....guaranteed.