11-29-2012, 02:04 AM
"The heartbreaking thing about all of this is that the landowners have, in most cases, been forced to get hard headed about keeping people out because of the actions of a very few" -----
This is true ---- But I look at the Middle Weber and see many ladders for fisherman. There is even a gate along the river that is chained which the land owner allows fisherman to access. Lots of animals around and everything seems to work out. I fish the area every November and am grateful to the landowners. So, what is the problem on the Lower Weber that seems to not exist on the Middle Weber?
This is true ---- But I look at the Middle Weber and see many ladders for fisherman. There is even a gate along the river that is chained which the land owner allows fisherman to access. Lots of animals around and everything seems to work out. I fish the area every November and am grateful to the landowners. So, what is the problem on the Lower Weber that seems to not exist on the Middle Weber?