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Weber Private Property - I'm the one that called the cops
You might want to read the law I posted on the other thread, beause you don't understand what constitutes agricultural land as defined by law.

It's right at the top so you won't have to read the whole thing

Animals have nothing to do with it, nothing. Fencing must be constructed so as to appear to a reasonable person as being meant to keep people out. As I pointed out in my other post, in most cases where government wants to keep people out they use chain link with a height of 6'. That is the same standard required for construction projects and is defined numerous times in many laws and ordinances. I think that makes it pretty defendable in a court of law.

Chicken wire is, as named, for keeping chickens, same for rabbit fencing.

As far as animals go, the presence of animals was left out of the law for a specific reason. If included the law would have been struck down as unconstitutional in mere days. I'll tell you why
Cows and sheep graze on many acres of public land.

Ranchers lease grazing rights to the land, but nothing more. Many public lands are also fenced, not to keep people out, but to keep livestock in, they are wire strand fences and wood post and rail or buck and rail. Neither of those types of fences are meant to control the movement of people, only livestock.

So, to recap. The presence of livestock of any type is not an indicator of the land being private. It could very well be public land that a grazing lease has been granted to.

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Re: [catmaster23] Weber Private Property - I'm the one that called the cops - by Troll - 11-30-2012, 12:38 AM

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