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White bass in Cutler Reservoir?
Hey thanks on the perch local, I ran down the canyon last summer and graphed lots of fun looking stuff above the dam but didn't have time to figure out how to catch much, I'll have to return again someday and see if I can catch something different...

I guess the perch could have came from Newton runoff, it would be fun if they would do well and get some size to them, but as long as there has been perch in that pond and as few as are ever caught I don't think it's great habitat for perch... at least I've never seen or heard of any numbers that make me think they will even become more than a once in a while surprise... but that is one species I'd like to add to my Cutler species list, I've yet to catch one there... It is fun to have so many different possibilities there, if I didn't miss one I have 16 different species between our lists, that would make a good grand slam to try for in a summer or yearly goal...Later Thanks again J

Messages In This Thread
White bass in Cutler Reservoir? - by Bama_Boy - 12-02-2012, 04:37 PM
Re: [FISHINMA] White bass in Cutler Reservoir? - by SkunkedAgain - 12-06-2012, 08:53 PM

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